01.06.2022, 14.00-15.00 (CET): Studying the gender hierarchies in academia
In this talk, Hande Eslen-Ziya will focus on three recent research projects on gender hierarchies in academia. She will first address the problems that hamper academic women’s career trajectories such as the gendered divisions of tasks in the academic sphere and gendered divisions of care obligations in the domestic sphere, second by centring specifically on academic women’s perceptions of their work life, she will discuss how perceptions of hierarchy in the workplace play an important role in shaping academics' perceptions of gendered challenges, as well as their future expectations regarding such challenges; thirdly she will focus on the gendered consequences of the pandemic and discuss possibilities for change.
Registration and further information under the following link: https://www.gesis.org/cews/news-events/cews-kolloquium